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Welcome to the Legacy Heritage Fund Limited registration portal!

About Us
Legacy Heritage Fund Limited was organized by Susan Wexner to honor her parents, Bella and Harry Wexner a”h. Legacy Heritage Fund Limited seeks to nurture and sustain the unique cultural legacy and heritage of the Jewish people. Toward this end, it emphasizes:

  1. enriching and enhancing Jewish education,
  2. growing the next generations of professional and volunteer leaders for the Jewish people,
  3. improving the lives of the disadvantaged or underserved of the Jewish and general populations,
  4. supporting and enriching a robust Jewish arts and culture, and
  5. supporting the State of Israel, specifically in the areas of science, medicine and social services.

Once registered, should you be invited to apply for a program, you will be able to view open program and grant opportunities and manage and submit any of the required materials.